„ A drágakövek neveit címként viselõ, absztrakt programdarabok harmóniailag különösen érzékeny szerzõt mutatnak, akinek szimmetrikus szerkezetû hangzatai kôkemény disszonanciáikkal együtt méltán tarthatnak igényt a hallgatóság elismerésére.”
/ Németh G. István kritikus a Kőfantáziák c. művéről /
„A Tündérmenet varázsos hangulatú mesevilágát Dragony Tímea nagy szakmai biztonsággal építi föl. Gyönyörű, gomolygó harmóniák teljesednek ki az énekkarból kiváló két szólista szépen vezetett dallamáig, majd süllyednek vissza a kórus képviselte éjbe.” /Eisenbacher Zoltán a Tündérmenet c. vegyeskari művéről/
In 1994 she gave her first composition recital. Then her compositions were presented twice each year.
The first composition recital in Budapest was while her second year of her studies at Academy of Music. This concert was the Museum of Fine Arts where was a large number of foreign audience too. Following years she had recitals in various prestigious concert halls - Óbuda, Palatine Room, Tiara Club,Rátkai Club, József Attila Culture House Academy of Ancient Music, Debrecen Conservatory grand hall, the Hungarian Dance Academy. At the same time numerous musicians performed her compositions in abroad.
As a result, at the Mendelssohn Bartholdy Music Academy in Leipzig, and in 2008, in Amsterdam at the Autumn Festival is given the opportunity to introduce her pieces. She had composition recitals in abroad too.
For her regular composing activity is very important "pillars" of a creative artist. The author continually educates herself by the job. She always would like to create an expressive, creative and imaginative world.
This world's "open windows" are the composition recitals!